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PINUS densiflora AUREA

A bushy upright growing open tree form with a flat top . The longish needle foliage is a greenish-yellow colour and the yellow tone intensifies in the colder season . The bark on younger growth is a very noticeable orange that contrasts well with the foliage . A good non obtrusive selection .

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PINUS densiflora LOW GLOW

A very dense and bushy selection of Japanese Red Pine that will grow with little fuss into a medium sized plant with a rounded outline shape reasonably quickly . Longish needle foliage is a pleasant light green colour . A very hardy and attractive variety suitable only for larger rockeries .


PINUS densiflora PENDULA

Bright dark green needle type foliage on a very useful weeping selection of
Japanese red pine . This plant can be used as a grouncover , can be staked up
to a desired height and then left to cascade down or is very useful to fall
down over a terraced bank edge . Very hardy variety that can also be used
for Bonsai .

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PINUS densiflora RAINBOW

This is commonly known as a Dragon Eye type of variegation on this variety of Japanese Red Pine . The long dark green needles have very bright and distinct golden-yellow radial banding . Rarely but occasionally a red band can occur also . The medium sized plant is a wide pyramid in outline and is very hardy .


PINUS parviflora BALDWIN

Extremely hardy upright very bushy variety that is clothed in bright blue
needle foliage . A superb larger rockery choice that is also good for Bonsai
styling . Many cones are usually produced as the plant gets older . Like all
pines prefers a full sun position in free draining soil .

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PINUS parviflora BERGMAN

Japanese White Pine selection with interesting blue-grey twisted needles that give the foliage a bi-coloured look . Usually upright and very bushy in appearance with a dense habit . Growth shape sometimes can differ, to low and flat depending on the grafting understocks used or the amount of shading in its position .


PINUS parviflora FUKAI

Mid sized very dense and bushy upright growing selection . This plant has
needles that are blue and noticeably variegated along their length with a
creamy-yellow colouring . The colouring fades when not in active growth but
is very noticeable in growth flushes through the seasons .

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PINUS parviflora OGON GOYO

An upright broadly pyramidal dense and hardy selection . Foliage is a light sulphur-yellow shade with a blueish-green undertone . Like all Japanese White Pines can readily withstand some shape pruning if wanted. A robust plant once established and with its odd foliage colour is well worth growing .

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PINUS parviflora GLAUCA

This becomes a large and bushy form of the Japanese White Pine and is often as wide as high when it is established . The foliage is a bright blue on mid sized needles . The production of numerous cones amongst the foliage is normal for this selection and tends to add to its overall appeal . A very hardy and easy to grow plant if given good conditions such as well drained soil and adequate amounts of sunlight .

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A very eye catching form with thin needle foliage brightly banded in yellow-gold on the green base colour . An upright vigorous and open pyramid if left untouched but will become improved out of sight in density and appeal with a light pruning as it grows . Will happily tolerate full sun positions but a little filtered light spot will give the foliage a deeper shade of the green and yellow-gold . Makes a superb potted plant .

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A medium growing broadly pyramidal tree with bright yellow-gold , long soft to the touch needle foliage . This is an American White Pine selection and is very hardy and worthy of planting in any garden . Sometimes until established can suffer from winter burn , browning , on its foliage , this magically disappears in spring . This cultivar will excel in brightening up a darker or duller section in a garden .

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Weeping form of the American White Pine that usually becomes a garden architectural showpiece . Long grey-green needle foliage covers the haphazardly weeping branch structure . It is a must have variety for larger gardens . Staking as a young plant is optional but probably the best way to display it . With age and size , staked or not , it will become something truly special and will draw comments .

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PINUS sylvestris AUREUM

A small to medium sized form of the very hardy and robust Scots Pine . The green needle foliage , in areas with cold winter temperatures , turns to an appealing warm golden-yellow for several months . The species is a very common Conifer in the northern hemisphere and appears in areas of high rainfall and also in dry climatic zones . Perhaps not a good choice for areas of high humidity .

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An upright and medium to tall pyramidal selection . Foliage needles are a blueish-green in colour . Where this plant shines is in its display of new spring growth that is a brilliant creamy-white . For the best outcome and untroubled performance it would be best sited in filtered light as the new growth can easily sunburn . Perhaps keeping it pruned to a bushy shape will keep its new growth at a more easy to admire height .

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A conical and loosely fastigiate slow growing selection of the Japanese Black Pine . The dark green needles on this form are noticeably shorter than others in this family . Like many members of the Japanese Black , Red and White Pines this plant is very suitable for Bonsai use , container growing or garden plantings .



Becoming very dense and globular to pyramidal shaped with age this cultivars is one of the favourite choices for Bonsai enthusiasts owing to its ability to produce very fissured bark . For some reason the bark develops at a far faster rate in warmer humid areas .The long needle foliage is a very dark and shiny green . Can withstand , like many Pines , container culture and also makes a good garden specimen .

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PINUS thunbergia OGON

A reasonably fast growing and eventually medium to large roughly pyramidal tree form that is quite appealing to all who see any mature well grown specimens . The long needle type foliage is a bright yellow-gold if the tree is planted in a full sun situation , if planted in a shaded site its foliage is a lemon colour . Occasional winter browning of some needles can occur but this is rectified once the weather warms up .

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A slow and very dense growing robust and hardy plant . Needle foliage is long and very dark green . Overall shape with time is broadly pyramidal . Setting of numerous cones is another feature of this selection that gets its name from its distinctly white growth candles and dark foliage that supposedly mimics an approaching thunderstorm in nature . It is a very desirable garden specimen .



This robust , hardy and handsome medium tree like form is commonly known as the Japanese Tiger Pine. The needle foliage is long , dark green and is liberally splashed , dotted and speckled on the outer half with golden-orange markings , these markings intensify in colour in colder weather . A choice garden selection .

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