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Mail Order; prices, payment, etc.

The grafted Ornamental Conifer pricing varies between $25.00.& $50.00 dependent on age , rarity and propagation difficulty . Current stock sizes available and pricing will be advised on receipt of , e-mail enquiries.

European Beech , Asian Dogwoods, Ginkgos & Wisterias are similar to the Ornamental Conifer pricing.

Japanese Maples , uprights & weepers , range between $25.00 & $75.00 each.

The lower end of the pricing range is generally for 1 year old stock and the upper end is for stock up to 3 years old.

The Laceleaf ,dissectum , weeping varieties are low grafted and trained up . This is the standard method in most overseas countries and results in a specimen that can be trained upright to any desired height and gives a far more interesting branch tracery in winter .

Please use logic when purchasing miniature/dwarf varieties , particularly of Ornamental Conifers , the 1, 2and even 3 year old grafts on some cultivars will not be very large while others varieties will be reasonably large at the same age.

All plants we despatch will have the potting soil removed and the roots wrapped in damp newspaper to help lower postage costs.

We prefer to send our plants by express post so our customers will hopefully receive them the next day or two, this also means customers not in Australia Posts maybe next day delivery zones will still get delivery faster than any other postage methods .

The postage & packaging cost is usually $35 for all states , which includes a signature on delivery charge.

Depending on the varieties ordered , usually several more than one plant can be packed into a package for no extra postal charges.

Sometimes a few varieties , such as the Japanese Maples , will be larger than can be safely fitted into our normal posting boxes, these will have to be pruned to fit as using other than Austrialia Post Boxes/Tubes is too expensive

Payment can be made by direct deposit to our account. We do not accept credit card payments.

Western Australian customers need to get an , Import approval request form , from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development , 08 9334 1800 , or e-mail , ( This form allows for the importation of up to 20 bare rooted plants that have a permitted status of S11 as per ( .

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